Today, statistics were given out showing that Apple is still the number one manufacturer of smart phones with a #2 spot in Operating system. This news shows that a Apple ships 28.3% of all Smartphone sales in the US. It shows that iOS has again 28.3% of OSs in phones. Android comes out on top in this category however, at a 42.8 % OS market share. However since this 42.8% is divided among 4+ companies and OS is one, Apple comes on top.
This is not case with tablets. Apple comes on top easily in this category. With many failed Android attempts such as old Android phone OS on a Tablet doesn’t work. Apple retains 65.8% of the tablet market, dominating the competition. The market share of iOS for tablets is again 65.8%. If these two, tablets and phones, are brought together as one market share, we’ll call it iOS, it would contain 62% of the total market (as of December 2nd). Android is placed at 18%. So it sounds like Apple is doing an excellent job. We can all hope that they will pull of all their new products and be victorious in those. This would contain the iTV and could contain the debated MacBook Touch (folds into a tablet). We will have to wait and see what market share these products will get.
Thanks for reading,
Sources (if you want to check my numbers): http://www.bgr.com/2011/11/01/ios-market-share-balloons-in-october-android-climbs-to-no-2-mobile-os/