In Apple’s recent update to iOS, they introduced Maps. It, if it does all that it promises, will diminish if not destroy the stand-alone GPS industry. They are going to destroy the GPS industry with the iPhone and it will be swift. I predict, with GPS sales on the downside, they will be extinct in the next several years. Let me ask you this, would you rather carry around your phone and your GPS or just your phone, I’m guessing you probably answered just your phone and I’m probably right.
Another industry that Apple will (but has yet to) disrupt is the textbook industry. They must be able to work very closely with the Board and other school organizations such as the districts to distribute iPads in mass quantity. With the textbook features that Apple introduced in February, Apple will be able to destroy the paper textbook industry providing they work at it. It’s billions of dollars they’ll be earning and the backs of children they’ll be saving.
The iPhone, in recent years, has been able to (very deeply) cut into the profits of the mp3 player. The only real mp3 player on the market now is the iPod and even that is losing traction, I see a day where it may no longer exist. That day is not here yet, but it will come. It is an industry Apple has revolutionized and then destroyed, perhaps deliberately.
I see a day where people will no longer pull out their stand-alone consumer camera and instead use their iPhones to take pictures. Oh, wait, that day has already come. That’s right Canon, watch out, Apple is taking the camera industry away from you. In fact they’ve already been doing it for the past couple years or so. The small consumer grade cameras are almost a thing of the past.
Stand alone phone sales (i.e. home phone) have been declining with Apple to blame. People have been switching to using their smart phones as their primary phone instead of buying a stand-alone phone system. That industry has been declining in recent years and will only continue to do so.
So let’s recap a bit and then I will discuss the industries Apple is looking to invade right now. First, the stand-alone GPS will be a thing of the past, (while their sales are strong now, their sales are declining due to smart phones and will only continue to do so). Second, Apple will destroy the paper textbook industry with the iPad and iBooks 2, that is, if they work at it. Trust me Apple, it is worth it, but I’m sure you see that. Third, the mp3 player has taken a major hit by the iPhone and similar phones and will only continue to. Fourth, the stand-alone camera industry has already felt the tremors of the quake that is right on their doorstep. Canon, Nikon and other similar companies are really feeling the pinch in their cameras and this will only continue as the cameras in iPhones improve. Fifth, home phone sales will continue to decline. It is time for the true king of phones to have its turn.
Industries Apple will disrupt next
First, Apple has long been rumored to attack the TV industry next with its rumored TV. No, not the Apple TV, the set-up box that not even Apple is proud to call anything but a “hobby”. The “iTV”, the “next generation Apple TV”, whatever it is, is the game changer. You see, Apple may be about as late to the TV market as they were the MP3 player. However, what Apple did to the MP3 player they will to the TV- make it better. TVs are thin and, in some cases, lightweight, so I’m sure they’ll follow suit. But that is not the only thing Apple will do. This TV will change our living rooms. There is an amazing TV in Apple’s labs waiting to be announced and when it is, it will disrupt the entire television industry.
Second, there are some many rumors going around that Apple will disrupt an industry similar to one they already have disrupted. If sources are true, Apple will announce a smaller screen sized tablet. They have already created the large screen size tablet industry (9 inch approx.) but have yet to enter the, less featured but more compact and portable, smaller tablet industry. I will be interested to see what they will do with it but knowing Apple they’ll probably blow their competitors out of the water. What kind of long term affects this set of tablets will have on the current iPad has yet to be determined, but don’t worry, Apple isn’t canceling it’s current iPads anytime soon, they’re just adding variety.
What industries Apple plans to disrupt, create or destroy is up the teams at Apple. Let’s just hope the ones they choose to enter, create or destroy are the right ones. I am confident that they will be.
Thanks for reading,
That’s a rather impressive and bold prediction, Joe. But knowing how experimental and determined Apple is in innovating technological breakthroughs to better people’s lives, I certainly agree with you.
And indeed, it was amazing how Apple was easily able to incorporate superb camera lenses on their iPhone to be able to capture life’s moments through a very handy and purposeful gadget. However, I can’t imagine stand alone cameras going out of business just yet. Although Apple uses detailed lenses that produce quality pictures, I think these stand alone cameras are built with advanced lenses and are specifically designed to give pictures a more professional finish. That said, I’m afraid they’re here to stay a little while longer.
But THIS textbooks modernization is certainly a splendid idea! I hope that realizes soon. It’s a great advantage to both teachers and students to have access to their daily lessons without the need of opening large books and carrying them around. All they’d ever need is the very handy and portable Apple gadget and nothing else. That’s like a big giant leap to an easier and better educational system. Provided that this happens soon, maybe Apple can do something about lowering the price. Just so everybody can afford it.