The new Apple campus is expected to be completed around 2015. Already people are coming up with ideas on what Apple should have at this greatly improved campus. The main thing I am discussing in this article is an Apple museum. Just think about the current campus for a moment, you have the Apple campus sign. You have a Apple store at the campus that not only sells Apple devices but it also sells Apple gear such as t-shirts (my favorite one being the “I visited the mother ship” t-shirt)
That’s about it. If you want to see more on Apple history, you’ll have to drive to Steve Jobs old house in Cupertino, to see the place where it all began.
Of course, if there were to be a museum, it would have to be a separate building from the main corporate one since Apple needs its secrecy, putting one in the corporate building would be a security nightmare. I think they can keep the store idea (with the mother ship shirt). But again, I think an Apple museum would add to Apple’s customer fondness level, gives them good PR and not to mention another stream of profit.
So what would they put in this museum?
First, they would either put a replica or the real van that Steve Jobs sold for seed capital. They would need to put wax sculptures of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak developing the Apple 1 and 2, they could also put one of Steve introducing the Macintosh, Steve giving one of his later keynotes, such as the iPhone keynote and perhaps even Cook giving the iPad keynote.
They would also need a separate statue to Steve Jobs. It could include segments on the famous Stanford commencment speech he made in 2005. It could also include the Think Different speech. I think that on top of all this, they should make a working model for display and use of all of the Apple products ever made so people can get a hands on feel of new and old Apple products. I think it would a positive experience for customers, and since many people have old Apple devices, I’m sure Apple could scrape together all the products they would need for this interactive part of the museum. People, I’m sure, would happily donate old Apple merchandise to the museum if Apple would mention their name as a donor.
Apple could go all different directions on how to make the Apple campus different than that of most business campuses. What do you think are good ideas to put in such museum, or what do you think Apple could put in or around their campus to make it appealing for people to want to look at it. I, for one, would like just to see the Apple Campus now as it has a lot of appeal to me (I, as you know, am a huge Apple fan!). It’ll be interesting to see what Apple does with this enormous campus!
Thanks for reading,