Apple, according to reliable sources, is considering cutting it’s line of Mac Pros. It has not been updated since late 2010. With an update of Intel processors coming in early 2012, it may be even more pressing for Apple to cut the line part in due to the delay. Mac Pro sales have been going down in recent months and perhaps the past year. With these sales, Apple may be cutting the Pro model. If they cut the model, they may offer an even more high-end iMac. However it will be impossible, at least for now, for Apple to fit Mac Pro stats into an iMac.
People who NEED the extra power the Mac Pro has, will not get it. Again the iMac will not be enough for them, so if they must have a very high-end computer they will have to seek a PC. This will be very bad for Apple. However, no need to worry just yet, Apple. Fans of your operating system, Mac OS X will probably just get the high-end iMac with Thunderbolt storage. In fact I read a excerpt of an article (I’m sorry I don’t remember the article source) that said that the guy rather go to Mac mini then go to PC.
So because of Apple’s fan base and their want to stick by Mac even if they don’t quite get the specs they need, will help Apple. This move will guarantee iMac sales to go up. Because more people would use iMac (which is cheaper than Pro, even with the new rumored high-end model), more people would try to get other people to buy iMacs. It can go either way, people buy iMacs to cope with Pro’s loss. Or they could switch. But the latter is unlikely considering people who go Mac never look back. But we never know. We’ll just have to wait and see what Apple’s next move is.
Thanks for reading,