Personally, I think the stock market has been asking too much of Apple lately. The stock price of Apple has been in decline for the past few months and the question that comes to my mind is, why? Because Apple isn’t innovating anymore? They have been innovating for the past 15-16 years! They haven’t released a new absolutely stunning, insanely great new product category in 33 months (the iPad) but so what? Does Apple have to? Apple has been the prime innovator in the industry for years and with Jobs gone and no new category, everyone freaks out? Apple has not lost it’s relevancy, they have not lost their popularity and they certainly haven’t lost their top dog hold in a minimum of 5 or 6 different product/service categories. Sure, Apple hasn’t had really any good releases lately, just add-ons to their current lineup. But isn’t that all they need right now? Does Apple really need to add another product category right now? I don’t think so. Apple has a firm hold in media players, tablets, phones, music services, movies, mobile games, App store, books etc. They have a great hold in all these categories. Maybe not the highest up there in a few of them, such as books, but Apple is working on that. Shouldn’t Apple work to refine what they have been proven to be best at? Sure, there will be a new product line from Apple in the next 18 months or so, keep in mind every major product launch from Apple has about an average of 4-5 years in between them, with that average shrinking the past 5-6 years. But Apple doesn’t require it right now, yeah their stocks are taking a hit right now but the company is still doing great. They could continue for years with their current lineup, not adding anything to it since they continue to innovate and add to their ecosystem. They are on top of multiple product categories and they will continue to do so for the years to come. Does Apple need to keep innovating? Yes, absolutely, and they continue to innovate all the time. Does Apple need an iTV or iGlasses or a new iProduct to SAVE them? No, I don’t think they do.
Also, think about it this way. There has been not a single company on this planet that has produced even a tenth of what Apple has done in the industries it has dominated. We don’t hear about how Samsung has to invent or innovate even though they need to. They copy Apple, they have been doing so for years. It’s been proven in court with their phones, their Chromebook is almost an exact copy of the MacBook Air (though it isn’t nearly as good) Even if we accept that, Apple hasn’t released the newest biggest thing since the iPad, who exactly has? Samsung and their phone/tablet? Microsoft and their Surface, Google and G+ or the Nexus? They’re all the same too. If Apple hasn’t been innovating the past 15 years, then who has? I have seen nobody else really innovate besides them. Thank God we have Apple because we would still be stuck with giant beige towers that run on 100 MHz processors or at least, we would have to live with terrible OSs and terrible products. Also, let’s not forget, Apple was the first in the personal computer industry with the Apple II, the first in the digital music player industry with the iPod, the first in the online music store industry with iTunes, the first smartphone with the iPhone, the first App Store with the App Store and the first tablet with the iPad. Apple has changed our lives with their products and there is no one, not even a PC fanboy that can argue about that. Apple keep innovating, but don’t rush, perfection can’t be rushed.
Thanks for reading,