Ok, so I was reading through Apple news and a post about Westboro popped up and I clicked on it ( In case you don’t know they’re the crazy, gay-hating church that promotes death to America and death to American soldiers). I wondered why of all things, Westboro would pop up if I’m searching Steve Jobs. To my complete shock, they were planning to picket his funeral or death service. The reason why is shocking. “Several other WBC members took to Twitter announcing their views. Protestor Shirley wrote on Twitter, “The whole stinking world is kissing up to this dead/in hell rebel, so in that orgy of lies, Westboro Baptist Church will stand & TELL TRUTH!”
Church member Rebekah wrote in response to Jobs’ death, “What a vain, wasted life. Steve had a duty to encourage obedience to God. He failed. WBC to protest funeral. RT: @TMZ: Steve Jobs passed away.” Umm, where do I start. Westboro are the craziest people I have ever heard of. This is sick and disgusting. I can’t believe people would or could even think like this. Steve Jobs deserves to go to he’ll they say. What a bunch of BS. They are the ones who deserve to go to Hell. Not Steve. Westboro, you are officially crazy and I hope that you realize it and I hope the government will stop you every way they can from protesting because what you stand for is wrong and hideous. May God bless Steve Jobs soul. God would never send him to hell.
Thanks for reading.
Source: Emma Coonse, The Christian Post, Thu, Oct. 06 2011, Steve Jobs Dead: Controversial Westboro Baptist Church Announces Funeral Protest – Using iPhones, http://www.christianpost.com/news/steve-jobs-dead-controversial-westboro-baptist-church-announces-funeral-protest-using-iphones-57465/)